The Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) designation is issued by the AMS to highly qualified meteorologists providing research and services to a wide variety of users of weather information, including agriculture, business, industry, and various sectors of government. These services extend beyond the traditional public service functions and statutory responsibilities of the National Weather Service.

To earn the CCM credential, a meteorologist must make application for the designation, be recommended by three associates, pass a stringent written examination, and pass an oral examination before a national board of examiners. The CCM designation is granted only to those who demonstrate a broad background in meteorology together with detailed knowledge in a particular field of specialization. CCMs must demonstrate exemplary qualities of character and devotion to high professional standards.

CCMs are highly regarded by their peers in meteorology. They are considered experts in the application of weather information to a host of practical challenges ranging from specialized forecasts to engineering design support and expert testimony on weather-related court cases. Certification enables users of meteorological services to select consultants or employees with greater confidence in the quality and reliability of the products or services they will receive.

Work that I have done as a CCM includes:

  • Analyzing meteorological data related to litigation
  • Implementing algorithms into spreadsheets to automate calculations
  • Wrote exam questions for the CCM Written Exam
  • Chaired a subcommittee on the CCM Written Exam Committee
  • Served on the Board of Certified Consulting Meteorologists